What is breech presentation in ultrasound during pregnancy?
During an ultrasound examination, the sonographer will assess the fetal position and presentation. They will measure the distance between the fetal head and the maternal pelvis to determine if there is enough room for the head to engage and descend through the birth canal. If the fetus is in a breech position, the sonographer will also evaluate factors such as the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the placenta, and the presence of any uterine anomalies that could affect the delivery.
Breech presentation can occur for various reasons, including:
- Premature birth: Babies born prematurely may not have had enough time to turn into the head-down position.
- Multiple pregnancies: In the case of twins or higher-order multiple pregnancies, there may not be enough space in the uterus for all fetuses to be in a head-down position.
- Uterine abnormalities: Certain uterine conditions, such as a bicornuate uterus, may make it difficult for the fetus to assume a head-down position.
- Placental abnormalities: If the placenta is located low in the uterus (placenta previa), it can block the fetal head from engaging in the pelvis.
- Fetal anomalies: Some fetal conditions, such as hydrocephalus (enlarged head) or certain skeletal abnormalities, can affect the fetal position.
Breech presentation can increase the risk of certain pregnancy complications, including:
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Fetal distress
- Umbilical cord problems
- Difficult vaginal delivery
- Cesarean section delivery
If a fetus is found to be in a breech position, the healthcare provider will discuss the available options for delivery, including external cephalic version (ECV), which is a procedure where the healthcare provider attempts to manually turn the fetus into a head-down position, and cesarean section (C-section). The decision on how to proceed will depend on the specific circumstances of the pregnancy.