Natural Ways to Get Labor Moving

Women need to trust their own bodies when it comes to giving birth. It is a natural process that requires medical intervention when something goes amiss and the mother's or baby's health or life is at risk. While appropriate monitoring of the mother and baby is of utmost importance during labor, early and unnecessary interventions can complicate what might have been a natural birth.
  1. Increase Oxytocin

    • If you are considering your doctor's offer of Pitocin for stalled labor, keep in mind that Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin, the "love hormone." Surround Mom with love. Her labor coach can provide loving touch or massage. Encourage her to talk to her baby during labor, telling him how much she loves him and can't wait to hold him in her arms. Remind Mom of the end result, her beautiful baby. Nipple stimulation is another way to increase oxytocin during labor.


    • If you are having contractions, walking may speed labor along. As your hips sway from side to side, your baby is better able to position herself to be born. Being in the standing position also puts gravity on your side. This allows your baby to move lower into your pelvis. Even if walking doesn't do the trick, the exercise, relaxation and taking your mind off of "making labor happen" can go a long way toward a pleasant birth experience.


    • This advice has been handed down through the years. Some swear by it and others use it as an excuse to be intimate one last time before baby arrives. So if you are up to it and can find a comfortable position that still provides you with some pleasure, sex may also speed up labor due to two reasons. The hormone, oxytocin, is released during sex and causes the uterus to contract. Also, semen contains prostaglandins, a substance that softens the cervix.

    Herbal Remedies

    • Before taking any herbal remedies, check with your doctor, midwife or holistic provider. Some herbs interact with medications or may aggravate an existing health condition. Castor oil, evening primrose oil and others may induce or speed up labor, but there is always the possibility of side effects or complications. Strength and quality of herbs can vary; the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbal supplements in the same way as prescription medications.

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