How to Draw Up a Sitz Bath
Clean out the sitz bath basin or bathtub to prevent infection. This is especially important if you have had an episiotomy or have damaged skin. If you are using a sitz bath basin, place it on the toilet.
Turn on the cold water. Add hot water, until the water becomes warm. If you are using a sitz bath basin, fill up a clean pitcher with warm water and pour the water into the basin. If you are using the bathtub, allow the water to run freely into the bathtub. Stop adding water to the basin or bathtub when it is three to four inches deep.
Add any medications or additives to the sitz bath your doctor recommends. For example, sometimes, Epsom salt is added to the water to help relieve the pain from hemorrhoids or an episiotomy. For a vaginal infection, salt and vinegar are sometimes suggested, notes Heartland Women's Health Care.
Soak in the sitz bath for 15 to 20 minutes. Pat yourself dry with a clean towel. Empty the sitz bath basin into the toilet or allow the bathtub to drain.