Baby Gender Secrets
Chinese Gender Predictor
The Chinese birth calendar is a lunar calendar that supposedly predicts a baby's gender. It was said to be buried in a tomb in Beijing for 700 years, and many mothers-to-be use it to predict their child's gender. The Chinese birth calendar goes by the woman's age at conception and the month of conception. So for a 30-year-old woman who conceived in June, her baby would be a boy. A resource for this calendar is available online at
Shape of the Belly
Using the shape of the mother-to-be's belly is an old wives' tale that is said to predict the gender of the baby. If her belly is more rounded and larger, it will be a girl while a belly that is smaller and pointy may hold a boy.
The Key Test
Another old wives' tale for gender predicting is the key test. A key is placed in a random position on a table in front of the mother-to-be. She closes her eyes and picks up the key. If she picks it up at the larger end, she will have a boy. If she picks it up at the narrow end, it will be a girl. A mother-to-be who picks up the key in the middle will have multiples.
Wedding Ring Test
The wedding ring test has been done for years to predict the gender of the mother's baby. To try this test, tie your wedding ring (the band, not an engagement ring) to the end of a string. Dangle it in front of your belly and watch the way it moves. If it swings back and forth, you will have a girl. If the ring swings around in a circle, you should plan on a boy.
Gender Selection
Gender selection is a way to choose the gender of the baby based on your ovulation. While trying to conceive your child, you will need to use one of several methods to pinpoint your ovulation. Methods include using a fertility monitor, checking your cervical mucous, using an ovulation predictor kit or charting your basal body temperature. After a few cycles of knowing around when you will ovulate, you can use that as a guide to predict the gender. It is said that if you have intercourse that leads to conception on the day of ovulation or the day before, you will have a girl; and if this happens on the rest of the days leading up to ovulation, you will have a boy. This is because the sperm carrying the female chromosome is said to swim faster and die quicker while the male chromosome swims slower but lives longer.