The Hazards of Forceps
An overview provided by lists high blood pressure, heart disease, infection and neurological disorders as maternal health indicators that may require forceps use. Fetal health indicators include abnormal heart rate, a prolapsed umbilical cord and low weight. Forceps should be used only when the baby is in a suitable position in the birth canal. The mother may need an episiotomy, a surgical incision in the perineum prior to forceps use.
Forceps deliveries are associated with facial marks and bruising on the baby's head, according to Other possible risks include facial nerve damage, paralysis, skull fracture, bleeding in the brain and neck injury. These risks are associated with how the forceps blades are placed and the amount of traction the doctor applies to the baby's head. The mother may have tears in the birth canal, bladder or rectal injury and need for blood transfusion.
Long-term consequences of forceps delivery are possible for both the mother and baby. E-Medicine indicates urinary incontinence and damage to the rectal sphincter may occur when inexperienced operators use forceps. Forceps may lead to long-term disability, cerebral palsy and permanent nerve damage for the baby. When forceps delivery is used after an unsuccessful birth by vacuum extraction, the infant is at risk for seizure and possible death.
The goal of every birth is to safely deliver a baby, according to If the use of forceps to assist in the birth process concerns you, it is important you communicate with your doctor prior to labor. Forceps use has decreased in the U.S. due to increased use of vacuum extractors and Cesarean sections. You should be aware of all childbirth options for the health and safety of yourself and your baby.