If Vag. US was done at 10 weeks 2 days and the baby measured 8 5 no heartbeat detected I am now 11 have not had any cramping or bleeding can be wrong.?
However, here are some possibilities:
- The pregnancy may not have been as far along as initially thought. Measuring the baby's length is one way to estimate gestational age, but it is not always accurate. If the baby was actually younger than 8 weeks 5 days, it is possible that a heartbeat could not be detected yet.
- There may have been an error in performing the ultrasound. The accuracy of an ultrasound depends on the skill of the person performing it. If the ultrasound was not done properly, it could have resulted in an inaccurate measurement or a missed heartbeat.
- There could be a problem with the baby's development. In some cases, a baby's heart may stop beating for no apparent reason. This can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but it is more common in the early weeks.
- Your dates may be off. If you are not sure when you ovulated, it is possible that your due date is incorrect. This could mean that the baby was actually older or younger than 8 weeks 5 days at the time of the ultrasound.
It is important to remember that a missed heartbeat does not necessarily mean that the baby has died. In some cases, a baby's heart may stop beating for a short time and then start up again. This is why it is important to have a follow-up ultrasound to confirm that the baby's heart has stopped beating.
If you have any concerns about your pregnancy, it is always best to talk to your healthcare provider.