What do you feel when think your pregnant?

Physical symptoms:

* Missed period

* Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)

* Breast tenderness

* Fatigue

* Frequent urination

* Bloating

* Constipation

* Headaches

* Mood swings

Emotional symptoms:

* Joy

* Excitement

* Nervousness

* Anxiety

* Stress

* Overwhelmed

* Depressed

Other symptoms:

* Food cravings or aversions

* Increased sense of smell

* Metallic taste in the mouth

* Skin changes

* Hair changes

* Weight gain

It is important to remember that not all women experience all of these symptoms. Some women may only have a few symptoms, while others may have many. If you think you may be pregnant, it is important to see a doctor to confirm your pregnancy and discuss any concerns you may have.

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