How long is a woman pregnant for?
Pregnancies are typically divided into three trimesters, each with its distinct set of developments and changes. The first trimester spans the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and involves significant changes in the embryo's development, organ formation, and hormonal shifts in the mother's body. The second trimester lasts from week 13 to week 27 and is often marked by rapid fetal growth, increased movement, and more noticeable changes in the mother's body. The third trimester covers the final 13 weeks, leading up to birth, and involves the continued development and maturation of the baby, as well as preparations for labor and delivery.
It's important to remember that each pregnancy is unique, and variations in gestational length can occur for various reasons, including individual differences, genetic factors, and medical conditions. Therefore, it's recommended to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized information and guidance throughout the pregnancy journey.