How long will a positive pregnancy test result appear?

A positive pregnancy test result will typically appear within a few minutes to a few hours after taking the test. However, the exact amount of time it takes for a positive result to appear can vary depending on the brand and type of pregnancy test used, as well as the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine or blood.

Early pregnancy tests, which are more sensitive and can detect lower levels of hCG, may show a positive result as early as 6-8 days after conception. However, it's important to note that early pregnancy tests may also be more prone to false positives or false negatives.

For the most accurate and reliable results, it's generally recommended to take a pregnancy test at least 10-14 days after ovulation or after a missed period. If you get a negative result and you still think you might be pregnant, it's a good idea to retest a few days later to confirm or rule out pregnancy.

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