When i took 2 test and they said negative but yet feeling all the signs of pregnancy are you pregnant?
Here are some factors to consider:
1. Test accuracy: Pregnancy tests are generally accurate, but there is a small chance of a false negative. This can occur if the test is taken too early in pregnancy, before the levels of pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG) are detectable in the urine. If you're still concerned about pregnancy after receiving two negative results, you may want to consider taking another test in a few days.
2. Timing of the test: For the most accurate results, a pregnancy test should be taken first thing in the morning, when the levels of hCG in the urine are highest. This is especially important if you are early in pregnancy.
3. Urine dilution: Drinking a lot of fluids before taking a pregnancy test can dilute the urine and make it less likely to detect hCG, leading to a false negative result. Try to avoid drinking too much fluid before taking a pregnancy test.
4. Expired tests: Check the expiration date on the pregnancy test to ensure that it is still valid. Expired tests may give inaccurate results.
If you're concerned you might be pregnant despite these negative test results,
it's best to consult a healthcare professional for a definitive answer. They can perform a blood test to detect pregnancy hormone levels and confirm whether or not you are pregnant.