You were on birth control for about 8 years and just stopped the first time at end of January you keep getting negative preg test results even though are 4 weeks late Are tests wrong?
* The pregnancy tests you are using may not be sensitive enough. Some pregnancy tests are only able to detect hCG levels of 25 mIU/mL or higher. If your hCG levels are below this, the test will not be able to detect the pregnancy. You may want to try using a more sensitive pregnancy test, such as one that can detect hCG levels of 10 mIU/mL or lower.
* You may have ovulated later than you think. This can happen if your cycle is irregular. If you ovulated later than expected, your hCG levels will not be as high as they would be if you had ovulated on time. This can make it more difficult for the pregnancy test to detect the pregnancy.
* You may have had a chemical pregnancy. A chemical pregnancy is a pregnancy that ends very early, usually within the first few weeks of conception. Chemical pregnancies are common, and they often occur without a woman even realizing that she was pregnant. If you have had a chemical pregnancy, your hCG levels will likely be very low, which can make it difficult for the pregnancy test to detect the pregnancy.
If you are still concerned about being pregnant, I recommend that you see a doctor. They can order a blood test to measure your hCG levels and confirm whether or not you are pregnant.