What are the symptoms of a potential breech birth?
1. The baby's head is not engaged in the pelvis. The baby's head should be engaged in the pelvis by 36 weeks of pregnancy. If it is not, it is possible that the baby is in a breech position.
2. The mother feels the baby's feet or bottom in the lower part of her abdomen. This is a sure sign that the baby is in a breech position.
3. The mother's belly has an unusual shape. If the baby is in a breech position, the mother's belly may appear to be more elongated or pointed than usual.
4. The mother experiences pain in her lower back or pelvis. This pain may be caused by the baby's head pressing on the mother's nerves.
5. The mother has a history of breech births. If a mother has had a previous breech birth, she is more likely to have another one.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor or midwife right away. They will be able to confirm whether or not the baby is in a breech position and will recommend the best course of action.