What happens if your water breaks when you are 8 months pregnant?
- Infection of the amniotic fluid or membranes
- Smoking during pregnancy
- Multiple pregnancies
- Maternal trauma
- Uterine abnormalities
- Preeclampsia
- Placental abruption
When your water breaks, it is important to go to the hospital right away, even if you are not feeling any contractions. PROM can increase the risk of infection for the mother and baby, and can also lead to premature labor and delivery.
At the hospital, the doctor will check your condition and the baby's condition. They may perform a vaginal exam to see if the cervix has started to dilate and efface. They may also order an ultrasound to check on the baby's position and growth.
If you are not having contractions, the doctor may give you medications to help your uterus start contracting and induce labor. If you are already having contractions, the doctor will monitor your progress and may provide pain relief if needed.
The goal of treatment is to deliver a healthy baby as soon as possible, while minimizing the risks of complications.
Here are some things to keep in mind if your water breaks at 8 months pregnant:
- Go to the hospital right away.
- Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid strenuous activity.
- Monitor your contractions.
- Stay positive and focused on your baby.