Im 12 weeks pregnant start bleeding only when you wipe there is a little blood no clots are having miscarrige?
It is important to note that spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is common, and it does not always indicate a miscarriage. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare provider if you experience any bleeding during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can assess the situation and determine if further evaluation or treatment is needed.
Possible causes of bleeding in early pregnancy (first 12 weeks) can include:
Implantation bleeding: This occurs when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. Implantation bleeding typically happens around the time of your expected period and is usually light and short-lived.
Cervical irritation: The cervix can become softened and more sensitive during pregnancy, which can make it more prone to bleeding after intercourse or a pelvic exam.
Threatened miscarriage: This occurs when there is some bleeding and cramping, but the cervix remains closed and the pregnancy continues to develop.
Actual miscarriage: This occurs when the pregnancy ends and the fetus is expelled from the uterus. Miscarriage is more common in the first trimester, but it can happen at any point during pregnancy.
It is important to note that bleeding in early pregnancy does not necessarily mean that you are experiencing a miscarriage. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare provider if you experience bleeding during pregnancy to rule out any potential problems. Your healthcare provider can provide the appropriate evaluation and care to ensure the well-being of you and your pregnancy.