How early you find out if are PREGNANT?
Pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of hCG in your urine or blood.
* Home pregnancy tests: Can be purchased over the counter at drugstores and online. They measure hCG levels in your urine and can detect pregnancy about 10 days after ovulation.
* Blood pregnancy tests: Can detect pregnancy earlier than home pregnancy tests, about 6-8 days after ovulation. These tests are usually ordered by a doctor and are more expensive than home pregnancy tests.
It is important to note that false positive and false negative results are possible with either type of pregnancy test. If you have a positive pregnancy test, it is important to see a doctor to confirm the pregnancy and to discuss your options.
Here are some tips for taking a home pregnancy test:
* Read the instructions carefully before taking the test.
* Take the test first thing in the morning, when your urine is most concentrated.
* Make sure the test is within its expiration date.
* Empty your bladder before taking the test.
* Collect the urine in a clean container.
* Dip the test strip into the urine for the recommended time.
* Wait for the results to appear.
If you have any questions about taking a pregnancy test, talk to a healthcare professional.