The Best Home Exercise Equipment to Shed Pounds After Pregnancy
The Smooth Fitness web site recommends the treadmill as a versatile piece of equipment for new moms to squeeze in a workout whenever they find time. Treadmills and elliptical trainers offer choices of speed, intensity and duration of the workout, allowing you to exercise whether you have 15 minutes or a full hour to burn calories. Include your baby in a brisk walk by wearing an infant carrier or place him next to the treadmill while he sleeps to the humming of the motor. Aim for 30 minutes or longer on the treadmill three days a week.
Introduce your baby to the great outdoors while burning calories with a stroller. Lisa Druxman, founder of the stroller-based fitness program Stroller Strides, recommends choosing a jogging stroller that's designed to steer easily and roll smoothly over bumpy terrain while maintaining stability. Find a stroller with an adjustable handle to fit your height so you can maintain proper posture while walking or jogging. Ensure your baby is properly harnessed into the stroller to prevent injury. Vary your workout by using the stroller as a balance bar for squats, plies, calf raises or walking lunges.
Exercise Ball
Fitness expert, mother of two and creator of the "Super Body Bootcamp" DVDs, Tracey Mallett, recommends combining short bursts of cardio with strength training to quickly and efficiently remove pregnancy weight. Mallett advises new moms to perform strength training three days a week on non-consecutive days. An exercise ball helps you perform a variety of toning exercises for the entire body. According to the PopSugar Fitness web site, exercise balls come in three sizes based on your height. The proper size will ensure you can perform each exercise safely.
Your Baby
A weight-lifting routine helps burn calories while simultaneously building muscle. Exercise physiologist and postpartum-fitness expert Renee M. Jeffreys agrees that weight-lifting boosts your metabolism, helping you shed pounds. Although you can use 5- to 10-pound free weights, Jeffreys suggests lifting your baby as another option for new moms. Hold the baby to your chest while you lunge, lie on your back and perform chest presses with your baby or hold your babe at arms length while slowly lifting him up and down while standing. Strengthen your core by performing crunches with your baby resting on your thighs or pull your knees in and rest your baby on your calves as you lift and lower your legs slightly.