How to Chart a Baby in the Womb
Things You'll Need
- Fetal Doppler
- Ultrasound scan
Listen to your baby's heartbeat. Your doctor can do this for you from as early as eight to nine weeks using ultrasound scan technology. Alternatively, you can purchase a fetal doppler to use at home, which will pick up your baby's heartbeat from around 13 weeks, according to The Babycentre. A fetal doppler is a small, battery-operated device which works by sending out high-frequency ultrasound waves which transmit the sound of your baby's heartbeat. Listening to your baby's heartbeat is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and gain reassurance that he is OK. Your baby's heartbeat will beat almost twice as fast as yours, at approximately 140 beats per minute, and can be likened to the sound of a tiny galloping horse, says Obstetrician Dr. Miriam Stoppard in her book "Conception, Pregnancy and Birth."
Have an ultrasound scan. These scans will be routinely carried out at various stages throughout your pregnancy, depending on yours and your baby's health and your doctor's policy. An ultrasound scan enables you to see your baby's development and check that he is healthy and growing normally. An ultrasound works by submitting high-frequency sound waves into the abdomen. The sound waves are converted into electrical signals when they bounce off the mass of the baby in womb. The electrical signals then produce an image that can the be displayed on a screen. The ultrasound scan can help to determine your estimated date of delivery, to identify your baby's position in the uterus and to detect any fetal abnormalities. It is also a great way for you to bond with your baby as you observe her waving her hands and kicking her feet as she floats in the bag of amniotic fluid in your womb.
Track your baby's movements inside the womb. According to the American Pregnancy Association, some women feel their baby's move from as early as 13 to 16 weeks. However, other women may have to wait up to 25 weeks to feel their babies move, depending on factors like the baby's positioning and size and whether you have already had children, which often leads to the abdominal wall being weakened. Whenever you feel your baby's first movements, it is a thrilling experience that will help you feel connected to your baby and remind you that there is a person living and growing inside of you. Tracking your baby's movements can also help you to determine that she is healthy and well. The American Pregnancy Association recommends keeping a record of your baby's movements from the 28th week onwards because by this point it is likely she will have developed her own pattern of sleeping and waking, which you will be able to identify through her movements. Failing to feel any movements over a prolonged period of time could indicate a problem, and therefore daily monitoring is recommended.