How to Speed Up Labor Contractions
Things You'll Need
- Red raspberry leaf tea
Walk around. Walking allows your body to work with gravity to get the baby in the proper birthing position. The downward pressure on the cervix can induce stronger, more regular contractions. Do not walk if it is painful or very uncomfortable to do so, and rest regularly to avoid getting exhausted.
Drink a cup or two of red raspberry leaf tea. Red raspberry leaf tea tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, making contractions stronger and more efficient. It works best if you start drinking it when you are 34 weeks gestation, but you can drink it during labor as well. It will also help keep you hydrated.
Empty your bladder often, especially if you are drinking a lot of water or are hooked up to intravenous fluids. A full bladder can block the descent of the baby's head. Contractions generally get stronger and faster once the baby's head is pressing against the cervix.
Practice techniques that help you relieve stress, such as massage or aromatherapy. Severe stress can cause emotional dystocia. In emotional dystocia, circulations of the uterus is reduced, causing irregular and inefficient contractions.