Testosterone Vs. Blood Pressure
If a man is suffering from high blood pressure, along with high cholesterol, this results in hardening of the arteries. When this occurs, blood flow to the testicles diminishes and testosterone levels become lower. When testosterone levels drops, this puts a man at risk for a heart attack. When high blood pressure is left untreated, testosterone levels drops.1.
The Link
There is a definitive link between high blood pressure and lowered testosterone levels which is probably why hypertensive men are less sexually active than men who have normal blood pressure.
However, it isn’t known if testosterone blood levels influence blood pressure or if it’s the other way around, according to findings reported in the American Journal of Hypertension.
Testosterone is a male hormone, which allows the development of male characteristics, such as a beard, deep voice, bone mass and muscle tone. Women have testosterone, too, but not as much as men. When a man doesn't have enough testosterone, his male characteristics decline. When a woman has too much testosterone, she can take on male features, such as facial hair and a deeper voice.
As a man ages, his testosterone levels drop, which creates problems, including high blood pressure, notes Dr. Chris Steidle. Low testosterone levels can result in loss of libido and inability to maintain an erection. When a man is struggling with lowered testosterone levels, some refer to this phase in his life as andropause. The man may loose muscle mass and tone and become grouchy and irritable. Hormonal changes occur more gradually in men than they do in women; however, they do occur and can result in loss of energy and physical agility, mood swings, fatigue and a change in attitude, explains Andropause.com.
Benefits and Risks
There are obvious health benefits to high testosterone levels, including lowering the risks of a heart attack and high blood pressure; however, there are adverse outcomes as well, including increased aggression and smoking, which may cancel out the benefits, explains Pblifex.com.
Testosterone Therapy
Some men undergo testosterone replacement therapy, although there are risks. If a man has had cancer, he is not a candidate for this kind of therapy. However, if he is healthy, there are many benefits to be derived from testosterone therapy including an improvement in mood and energy, as well as a decrease in fatigue; nervousness and anger; better sleep and sexual performance;and a decline in fat mass and an improvement in lean muscle mass.