Facts About Male Enhancement
Studies have found that the majority of men who seek out male enhancement products have average to above-average penis sizes, but suffer from a psychological condition known as penile dysmorphic disorder in which the sufferer becomes preoccupied with the idea that his penis should be larger.
Surgical techniques for male enhancement add, on average, half an inch to the penis.
A study conducted in London at the Institute of Urology indicated that the vast majority of men who underwent penis-lengthening surgical procedures were not satisfied with the results.
Some common cosmetic methods for male enhancement—that is, making the penis appear bigger than it actually is—include trimming or shaving the pubic hair and losing weight.
Penis Pump
Penis pumps are cylinders fitted over the erect penis that create suction and a partial vacuum, which draws blood into the penis and helps it become engorged. This creates the illusion of a larger penis.