How to Boost Metabolism in Men
Drink plenty of water to increase you metabolic rate. Drinking water has both an immediate and lasting effect of making the body better at burning calories.
Do not starve yourself in an attempt to lose weight. By cutting back severely on your caloric intake, your body will react by slowing its metabolic rate to conserve calories, as if it "thinks" it is starving. By eating small, regular meals and snacks every two to three hours, you are actually working to increase your metabolism.
Exercise regularly, and more than once a day if possible. Most men know that exercise will increase your metabolism, but getting your heart rate up more than once a day is even more beneficial. If you can only spare or physically handle one hour a day to work out, do 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 minutes in the evening.
Eat plenty of lean protein. This serves a dual purpose in that your body will burn more calories when digesting protein than it does other foods, and it makes you feel full longer than many other foods.
Consume a reasonable amount of caffeine (like 2 cups of coffee) each day. It is of course, a stimulant, which increases your metabolism, but it also helps the body stimulate fat use during exercise.
Build muscle mass. Starting a regular weight-lifting or other resistance-training routine will build more muscle, and more muscle means a higher metabolic rate for your body.