What to Eat When Preparing for a Colonoscopy
Three to Four Days
You must start your diet regime 3 to 4 days prior to the procedure. At this time, you should stop taking any vitamins or medication that can affect the procedure results. Cut out any iron supplements or any constipating tablets you may be taking. Also, if you are taking warfarin tablets or are on any special diet to control diabetes, you should consult your doctor to find out if he has any further instructions for you.
Two Days Before
This is when you should begin to cut out fiber from your diet. Try to only eat white fish or chicken that has been either steamed or broiled, eggs, cheese, skinless potatoes, cheese and white bread. All of these items will help maintain your body without giving you the excess fiber you don't need. This is also the point where you should increase your water intake to approximately two liters per day. This can be done either by drinking water or having a clear liquid, like soup. Be sure to stay away from any food that has high fiber, such as fruits or red meat.
One Day Prior and Day Of
This day before is when your diet (or lack thereof) will have the most effect on your upcoming procedure. To start, have an extremely light breakfast, following the no-fiber rule from the day before. Also, be sure to drink nothing but clear liquids. These include water, tea or coffee with no milk. Also, cut out all bulk-forming laxatives, such as bran, as these can affect the way your colon will naturally work. The food you eat in the morning should be your last food of the day.
Around noon, you will probably have to take a bowel preparation that was given to you by your doctor. Follow the instructions on the packet, which will usually consist of the rate to take the drink and what can be mixed with it. If at any time you feel nauseous, consult your doctor.
The day of your colonoscopy should be food free. You can drink clear liquids, but must stop 3 hours before the examination.