Signs & Symptoms of Advanced Prostate Cancer
Urination Problems
Advanced prostate cancer is usually associated with the feeling of needing to go to the bathroom all the time--an even more urgent feeling than an incontinence problem might cause. This can interrupt and hinder daily activities and should be checked by a doctor. Other advanced prostate cancer symptoms that affect urination include difficulties in starting a stream of urine due to a constricted urethra. Some men affected by this type of cancer experience decreased and weak urination streams, while others notice blood in the urine.
Sexual Problems
Advanced forms of prostate cancer may affect blood flow to the penis, resulting in difficulties attaining an erection or having less rigid erections. When the prostate gland swells, it may create urethral constriction and painful ejaculations can result. Some men have blood in the semen from this condition. Impotence is another symptom, especially if the man has never had issues of this type. Prostate cancer can also affect the amount of ejaculatory fluid, and the affected man may notice less semen during ejaculation than usual.
Bone Pain
Sometimes advanced prostate cancer can disrupt the production of red blood cells in a person's bone marrow. When this happens, the man may feel weakness from anemia. Many men feel aches and pains in their bones, especially when the cancer has spread to the bone marrow. Another symptom is bone fractures due to severely weakened bones.
Other Symptoms
Many sufferers from this disease rarely experience urination or sexual problems until the cancer has reached the metastatic stage, when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. They may be able to detect a problem by noticing other telltale symptoms such as unexplained rapid weight loss or discomfort in the pelvic area. Another common sign is frequent swelling in the legs and feet.