Support Groups for Prostate Surgery Recovery
The Facts
Support groups offer men and their families the opportunity to connect with others who share similar health concerns. Many websites and forums, as well as online and local community organizations, can ease patients' concerns and answer questions relating to prostate surgery recovery.
Online Support Groups
Prostate Cancer Foundation, at, provides a list of online forums and support groups, many of which deal with the side effects of prostate surgery.
MDJunction, at, is a website that offers four prostate cancer discussion forums where people can share personal stories, ask questions about specific topics, engage in online conversation, and contribute knowledge and support.
Local Support Groups
Us TOO! is the oldest emotional and educational support group for men with prostate cancer, including those recovering from prostate surgery. To search for a support group chapter in your locale, visit
Hospitals Sponsored Support Groups
Many of the major hospitals that perform prostate surgery offer in-house support groups or can provide patients with a list of local support networks. Check with your doctor for information about support groups in your area.