Signs & Symptoms of Male Hormone Imbalance
Low Energy
One of the most common signs of male hormone imbalance is fatigue or low energy. This symptom is demonstrated in various ways. Those include extreme tiredness after eating, inability to work as long or hard as normal and an overall decrease in work performance. General fatigue throughout the day is also common.
Premature Aging
Physical and mental symptoms of premature aging can be caused by male hormone imbalance. For example, thinning or graying hair and a decrease in your bone mass and the quality of your skin (i.e. wrinkles, varicose veins). You may also experience problems with memory, have decreased flexibility, incontinence and foggy thinking.
A decrease in self esteem and overall happiness is a common sign of a hormone imbalance. An increase in anxiety or nervousness may be noticeable, as well as mild or extreme depression and low self worth. This can result in decreased motivation and competitiveness and may even cause irritability.
Low Sex Drive
Men with hormonal imbalance notice a shift in their sex drive. This decrease in the desire to have sex can be extreme (where there is little to no libido) or less obvious. In addition to decreased libido, men with hormone imbalances may have a difficult time getting an erection or making one last.