How to Sharpen a Straight Razor With a Hone
Things You'll Need
- Hone
- Strop
- Rough cloth
- Strop conditioner
- Soft cloth
- Plastic sandwich bag
- Clip
Hold the hone in your left hand. Pick up the straight razor in your right hand (reverse this if you are left handed).
Place the straight razor flat on top of the hone with the edge that is to be sharpened facing in.
Use a light touch to stroke the straight razor against the hone diagonally with the edge leading the stroke. Use very short strokes but ensure that the entire razor is coming in contact with the hone. Stroke the straight razor against the hone five or six times.
Flip the razor over on its spine. Stroke the edge of the straight razor in the same diagonal manner as was done before, but this time going up on the hone, not down. Stroke the razor against the hone no more than five or six times.
Drag the straight razor in a diagonal fashion against the smooth surface of the strop to smooth the razor's edge five or six times, with the spine of the straight razor leading. Wipe the strop with a damp, rough cloth and treat it with strop conditioner.
Wash the hone with tap water and dry it with the soft cloth. When it is dry, put the hone in a plastic sandwich bag. Seal the top of the bag with a clip. Store the hone where it won't encounter moisture or humidity.