Dangers of Testosterone Supplements
A higher than normal level of testosterone can increase your risks of an enlarged prostate or of acquiring prostate cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, there hasn’t been enough research done on the benefits or risks of testosterone therapy to conclusively state that taking testosterone can result in these complications.
Sleep Apnea
Studies show that estosterone therapy can cause sleep apnea in men, according to the Mayo Clinic's website. Sleep apnea is a cessation of breathing.
In addition, a condition called polycythemia can occur when taking testosterone therapy. This means that you are producing too may red blood cells, which ups your chances of heart disease.
Baldness and Fluid Retention
Testosterone therapy may cause baldness, result in fluid retention and cause your breasts to grow. Your skin may have a negative reaction to testosterone supplements.
Other potential conditions include testicle shrinkage, reduction in sperm production and the stimulation of breast cancer that is already present.
Kidney and Heart Disease
Researchers at a meeting of the American Physiological Society in Austin, Texas, reported that testosterone supplementation, or not allowing the natural loss of testosterone to occur with age, may worsen kidney disease or preexisting heart disease.