Medication for Low Sperm Count

According to Dr. Bruce Rose of Infertility Solutions, P.C., the process of making sperm is complex and can take up to 10 weeks, with multiple steps. With so many steps involved, it is easy for problems to arise during the production. There are some medications given to men to improve sperm count, but some problems, like genetic abnormalities of sperm, can't be fixed with medication.
  1. Types

    • Medication for low sperm count includes hormones, clomiphene and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), if there is a deficiency. Human chorionic gonadotriptin (hCG) is sometimes used to boost testosterone levels and sperm production.


    • According to Advanced Fertility Centers of Chicago, clomiphene can improve sperm production and motility when used by men.

    Expert Insight

    • Citing a study performed by the World Health Organization, Advanced Fertility Centers of Chicago states that clomiphene use by men didn't show an increase in pregnancy rates among 190 participating couples; half the male partners received clomiphene, while the remaining men received a placebo.


    • A newer drug therapy using aromataze inhibitors might increase sperm production for men with low testosterone to estradiol ratios, according to Dr. Bruce Rose of Infertility Solutions, P.C.


    • Side effects of clomiphene and hMG include short-term blurred vision, weight gain, and breast enlargement and/or tenderness, according to

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