What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Stress in Men?
Environmental Stress
Environmental stress comes from the physical environment. Men encounter stress through their relationships with others, their employment, their home life and all the challenges, situations, difficulties, and expectations they face on a daily basis.
Internal Stress
Internal stress affects how your body responds to and deals with the external stress factors. Nutrition, fitness, rest, general physical and emotional health determine how adept you will be at handling stress.
Symptoms of Stress
Men may observe stress presenting with symptoms that fall into four major categories: physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral.
Physical and Cognitive Symptoms
Physical symptoms of stress in men may include: headaches, backaches, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and chest tightness. Cognitive symptoms of stress in men would include: difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, poor attention to details, worrying, and even tendencies of perfectionism.
Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms
Emotional symptoms of stress in men may present as anger, suspicious nature, and depression. Increased abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or caffeine as well as violent actions are behavioral symptoms of stress that frequently affect men.
Stress can be good or bad. Stress can allow a man to complete projects on time, win a race, avoid hazardous situations and make positive changes. With stress management techniques, the negative signs of stress in men can be practiced to avoid the debilitating affects of long-term stress.