How to Increase Testosterone Levels After Prostate Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Weights
- Testosterone rich foods
Exercise more frequently, especially by lifting weights. Aim for more weight and fewer reps. Try to find the weight at which you can do five repetitions and do that.
Decrease alcohol (especially beer) and meat intake. Also, smokers should try to quit.
Lower stress levels by taking quiet time to be alone more often. Meditation and yoga may be helpful activities to take up while attempting to increase your testosterone levels.
Get plenty of sleep and rest. An overworked body is as bad, or worse, than one that is inactive when it comes to the production of testosterone.
Eat a diet high in testosterone raising foods, such as avocados, oysters, figs, nuts (especially almonds and pine nuts), bananas, celery, eggs, asparagus and fish. These foods are all considered to contain various minerals and vitamins essential for increasing testosterone and libido.