Description of Prostatitis Pain
Pelvic pain
Because of the prostate's location, prostatitis pain commonly manifests in the pelvic area and may radiate to the groin or lower back. Depending on the severity and type of prostatitis, the accompanying pain may be sharp, as with a urinary tract infection, or it can be a dull ache.
Testicular pain
Depending on the cause or severity of the inflammation or infection, prostatitis can bring about pain in the perineum (the region between the rectum and penis), as well as pain in the testicles and penis.
Painful urination
Men with prostatitis may experience frequent urination, which commonly occurs at night. This condition is called nocturia. Some men may also feel an urgent and painful need to urinate. The pain may be accompanied by a burning sensation during urination.
General physical symptoms
Depending on the type of prostatitis, patients may experience typical symptoms of infection, such as fever, chills, vomiting and nausea.
Pain during intercourse
Related symptoms may also include pain during intercourse, such as painful ejaculations.