How to Use a Fleet Enema Before a Prostate Biopsy
Things You'll Need
- 1 Fleet enema
- Access to a bathroom
Administering an Enema
Administer the Fleet enema at home on the morning of your biopsy. You can buy Fleet enemas at any superstore or your local pharmacy. Take the package into your bathroom and perform the procedure while sitting on the toilet.
Remove the enema from the packaging and take the protective shield off of the tip of the enema. Using steady, gentle pressure, insert the tip of the enema into your rectum using a vague sideways motion. The tip of the enema should be facing your belly button. Simulate having a bowel movement for easier insertion. Bearing down will help relax your anal muscles.
Squeeze the enema bottle, emptying all (or nearly all) of the liquid. Remove the enema from your rectum but remain in position. Within 5 minutes you will have a strong urge to have a bowel movement.
Remain on the toilet until you are finished emptying your bowels. Once you are completely finished, dispose of the enema and take a thorough shower to prepare for your upcoming prostate biopsy.