What Can Estrogen Be Used for in Men?
Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone and important in the development of a woman's reproductive system as well as all secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is also present in the male system, but in much smaller quantities. Estrogen therapy in men is still a limited and somewhat experimental treatment.
Prostate Cancer
Estrogen therapy is one of several different hormone treatments used to treat prostate cancer. Estrogen is usually used in conjunction with other treatment options and not as the sole treatment. It is used to remove or block the male sex hormones that can cause the cancer to grow.
Aromatase Deficiency
Aromatase deficiency is a rare genetic disorder that occurs in young males whereby the body is unable to properly grow and develop bone mass during childhood. It causes an increase risk of skeletal weakening, fractures and osteoporosis. Estrogen therapy is used to normalize bone growth and increase bone mass.
Cardiovascular Disease
Estrogen therapy does not protect or reduce heart disease or stroke. The American Heart Association does not recommend it as a preventative treatment for cardio-vascular disease.
Side Effects
Men who use Estrogen Therapy for any treatment run the risk of experiencing many uncomfortable and potentially dangerous side effects, including increase in breast size, breast tenderness, impaired sexual function, decrease in sex drive, hot flashes, diarrhea and nausea, increase risk of breast cancer, and increased risk of stroke. For these reasons, estrogen therapy should be used cautiously and always under a doctor's supervision.