How to Talk About Impotence With a Male Partner
Address the issue
Talk it out. If problems with impotence have been revealed in the bedroom, then it is no longer a secret. Women should not feel that they are to blame. And men should not feel ashamed. Days or weeks after the incident, talk about it in a safe environment, outside of the bedroom. Impotence can have a deep impact on any relationship, and it is very important to address it before it tears the relationship apart.
Research causes and solutions. Using the Internet or health journals, find out what is the likely cause. It could be physical or emotional. Experts say communication is often at the base of impotence because partners are not discussing what is bothering them. Start by talking then move to action.
Fix it at home. Try lifestyle changes, suggest health officials. According to health writers at the NY Times, these changes could help: Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs; rest and take time to relax; exercise; make healthy food choices to improve circulation; have safe sex to reduce the fear of HIV and STDs; and talk about it and, if needed, seek counseling.
Consult your doctor. Your doctor can help by prescribing medication and also talking to both partners about the roots of the problem.