Reasons for Male Depressed Libido
Types of Causes
A decrease in male libido may be caused by physical or psychological reasons, or a combination of both.
Men who were victims of sexual abuse or a traumatic event during childhood sometimes suffer a depressed libido throughout their lives. Episodes of stress, anxiety or depression also affect a man's sexual desire.
Substance abuse, obesity, anemia and diabetes all cause depression of libido in men. In addition, hormonal imbalances such as having too much prolactin or not enough testosterone in your body may cause a reduction in sexual desire, according to UK NetDoctor.
Treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy or the drug finasteride frequently cause decreased libido in men, particularly when taken for bladder, colon, prostate or rectal cancer explains the Mayo Clinic. Additionally, some blood-pressure medications, glaucoma drugs and medications for anxiety and depression cause impotence, which can lead to stress that in turn causes reduced libido, reports the Ohio State University Medical Center.
Stress and anxiety over decreases in libido are likely to make the condition worse. Talk to your doctor about changes in your sexual desire to determine what the underlying cause may be and what treatments are possible.