Ways to Promote Good Prostate Health
Saw Palmetto
BPH causes an enlarged prostate, which constricts the urethra. The constriction causes a problem with your flow of urine, which is an uncomfortable and painful condition. Saw Palmetto, a plant that grows in the southeastern part of the United States, has been found to relieve the inflammation of the prostate and allow urine to pass freely. It is also frequently used for treatment of prostate cancer.
Saw Palmetto is an all-natural herb. It is recommended that you take 320 mg daily. You can take the dose all at once, or split it into two doses.
Prostate Massage
Prostate massages have become known to aid in prostate health. They can be done internally or externally, though an internal prostate massage has been found to be the most beneficial. When you massage the prostate, you release excess fluid, pressure and debris that has built up around the prostate. It is expelled through your urethra. Prostate massaging is an excellent way to help treat and prevent prostatitis, as well as prevent other prostate problems. There are prostate massaging tools you can buy, or you can choose to massage your prostate manually.
Diet is a very important part of healthy living. Your diet can prevent many diseases and health problems, including problems with your prostate. Researchers in Canada discovered that men eating a diet high in phytoestrogens can help decrease the risk of prostate cancer.
Phytoestrogens are plant molecules. They have a weak estrogenic effect and are used by the same body parts that process the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is one treatment used in treating advanced prostate cancer. Estrogen works by reducing testosterone levels.
Foods that are high in phytoestrogens are soy products such as soy beans and nuts. Other foods that offer good sources of phytoestrogens are peanuts, sunflower seeds and berries.