How to Get Big by Lifting Weights
Consult your doctor before you begin any weight-training program.
Set a specific weight or measurement goal. You will be more likely to stick with your training plan.
Clear time in your schedule to begin a bodybuilding regimen. You can start small, but with bodybuilding you must be prepared to train all of your muscle groups instead of favoring some over others. This requires plenty of free time to work out. Depending on how big you wish to get, it could take 20 hours or more a week.
Consult a personal trainer who specializes in bodybuilding. Each trainer will have different recommendations when it comes to the exercises you should do and in which order you should do them to bulk up quickly. A personal trainer can show you how to use proper form to build muscle quickly without injuring yourself.
Eat plenty of lean protein. Eating 20 percent to 30 percent more protein than your body needs will add bulk and burn fat faster. Excess protein will be converted to glucose, providing plenty of energy.
Consider using vitamin supplements and shakes to help you get the proper nutrition while building muscle. Some muscle-building supplements are not readily available through food sources and must be taken via pills and shakes.
Weigh or measure yourself weekly, and chart your progress.