Testing for Levels of Prostate Cancer
The American Cancer Society recommends that men over the age of 50 who are at risk of developing prostrate cancer have the PSA test yearly. The main risk factor is family history.
PSA Test
The PSA test is a blood test that measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the bloodstream. Elevated levels of PSA could be a sign of cancer or a different problem.
When testing for PSA in the bloodstream, a rectal exam is typically also performed.
PSA levels vary among individuals, but the average levels are 3 ng/ml for men under 60, 4 ng/ml for men ages 60 to-69, and 5 ng/ml for men who are 70 or older.
If the PSA test results are too high, the patient should see a specialist. The previous tests are then repeated and an ultrasound of the prostrate is performed. If needed, biopsies are taken at this time.
Further Testing
If the ultrasound and biopsy show cause for concern, a doctor will discuss options and treatments with the patient. Further tests might include a bone scan, X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).