How Harmful Is HPV to Men?
HPV is found in men on the skin around their genitals and anus. If the patient already has a weakened immune system, HPV can cause genital warts or penile or anal cancer. Circumcised males are less likely to develop penile cancer. Homosexual men are more likely to develop cancer of the anus. The type of HPV that causes genital warts is different from the type that causes cancer.
Transmission of HPV occurs during genital contact, normally during sexual intercourse, with someone who is a carrier of the virus.
The symptoms of the virus itself may be hard to detect. Besides warts, which do not always appear, the virus produces no visible symptoms. Many people who contract the illness don't know they have it. There is no test approved for detecting HPV in men.
Most cases of HPV go away on their own. There are is no cure or treatment for the virus.
As of 2009, there is a vaccine for HPV approved only for females from 9 to 26 years of age. There is no similar vaccine for men. Refraining from sexual contact will prevent HPV. Using a condom every time you have sex will reduce your chances of contracting HPV.