Effects of Prostate Removal
Urinary Problems
According to News-Medical.net, a number of men experience urinary incontinence and other urinary problems after prostate removal, as the surgery removes muscles and connective tissues that helped maintain bladder control. Many men find the inability to control their own bladder severely limiting and emasculating, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness, anger, and frustration. Although adult incontinence pads and diapers are an option, they too appear bulky and can cause odor.
If you're struggling with incontinence after prostate removal, consult with your physician or urologist. There are a number of products that can effectively conceal the bulk of incontinence diapers or pads such as boxers and boxer-briefs with the pads built in. You should also consult with your physician or urologist about feelings of depression due to urinary problems. Finding support does not make you weak or helpless, instead it will speed your recovery and elevate your mood.
Sexual Dysfunctions
The NJUrology.com website states that losing the ability to have or maintain an erection is a common problem for men after prostate removal. This is because the nerves that send the arousal signals to the muscles are partially effected during a prostectomy. However, reports indicate that some men can eventually regain the ability to have and maintain an erection. Often, medications for erectile dysfunction are prescribed to both encourage healing and eventual sexual ability.
Emotional Challenges
Perhaps the most severe effect of prostate removal are the emotional challenges the procedure presents for men. Removal of the prostate means sterility, but sperm can be frozen and stored for later insemination if necessary. Removal of the prostate also means at least a temporary inability to maintain an erection, it does not however make a man unable to have an orgasm.
It is important that men who undergo prostate removal are aware of the challenges they will face once the procedure is over, but are also presented with the realistic outcomes of those challenges. Many men need professional and social support in re-framing their ideas of masculinity, manhood, and sexual desirability.