Why Men More Involved?
* Socialization: Men and women are socialized differently from a young age. Boys are often encouraged to be tough, competitive, and independent, while girls are more likely to be encouraged to be nurturing, cooperative, and dependent. This can lead to men feeling more comfortable with activities that require aggression or competition, while women may feel more comfortable with activities that require cooperation or nurturing.
* Biology: There are some biological differences between men and women that may also contribute to differences in their interests and activities. For example, men typically have higher levels of testosterone, which is a hormone that is associated with aggression and dominance. Women, on the other hand, typically have higher levels of estrogen, which is a hormone that is associated with nurturing and cooperation.
* Culture: The culture in which men and women live can also have a significant impact on their interests and activities. In some cultures, men are expected to be the breadwinners and protectors of their families, while women are expected to be responsible for domestic chores and childrearing. This can lead to men feeling more comfortable with activities that are seen as "masculine," such as work and sports, while women may feel more comfortable with activities that are seen as "feminine," such as cooking and childrearing.
It is important to note that these are just some of the factors that may contribute to differences in men's and women's interests and activities. There is no single explanation for why men might be more involved in certain activities than women. It is likely that a combination of factors, including socialization, biology, and culture, play a role.