How to Menstrual Cycle Chart
All you need is a pen or pencil and paper. You can use a blank sheet of paper or a preprinted chart. There are many different menstrual cycle charts available, so you can choose one that fits your needs.
Step 2: Track Your Cycle.
Menstrual Cycle Chart Start by circling the first day of your period on your chart. Then, continue marking each subsequent day of your period. You can also track other symptoms, such as ovulation and PMS.
Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of your next period. You can track ovulation using various methods, such as the calendar method, the temperature method, or an ovulation predictor kit.
PMS symptoms can start anywhere from a few days to two weeks before your period. Some common PMS symptoms include bloating, cramps, mood swings, and fatigue.
Step 3: Analyze Your Chart
Once you have completed tracking your cycle for several months, you can begin analyzing your chart. Look for patterns in your cycle length, ovulation dates, and PMS symptoms. This information can help you understand your fertility and identify any potential problems.
Step 4: Use the chart
Once you know when your fertile days are, you can use your chart to avoid pregnancy or plan to conceive.
- If you are trying to avoid pregnancy, you can avoid sex during your fertile days or use contraception.
- If you are trying to conceive, you can time sex to occur around your ovulation date.
*Step 5: Talk to your doctor.*
If you have any questions about your menstrual cycle or charting, talk to your doctor. They can help you interpret your chart and identify any potential problems.