What is masculine menopause?
Males, however, do not experience a clear-cut biological event comparable to menopause. While men's bodies undergo certain changes with age, such as a gradual decline in testosterone levels, this process is referred to as andropause and does not involve a complete cessation of reproductive function.
In men, the decline in testosterone levels is a gradual and individual process that begins around the age of 30. This decline may lead to various age-related changes or symptoms, including decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, increased body fat, reduced sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction.
However, it's essential to note that andropause is not universally experienced by all men, and the symptoms and severity can vary greatly. Unlike female menopause, which involves a clear hormonal shift and the end of menstrual periods, male hormone levels decline more gradually throughout the lifespan, and not all men experience significant symptoms.
Therefore, the term "masculine menopause" is not an accurate representation of the normal aging process in males and should not be used as a medical term or concept.