The Significance of PSA Levels
According to the Mayo Clinic, the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein that is produced by the prostate, a gland found in men, and is found in the blood. Small amounts of PSA are normally found in the blood, but large amounts can indicate a problem with the prostate.
High levels of PSA in the blood indicate a problem with the prostate gland, such as enlargement of the gland or cancer of the prostate. Identifying prostate cancer early is key in determining the best treatment plan, as prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, states the Mayo Clinic.
According to the National Cancer Institute, PSA testing is usually combined with other testing methods and cannot be used solely to make a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Doctors also use the digital rectal exam as a screening method to check for enlargement of the prostate gland. A diagnosis of cancer can be made with the results of a biopsy of the prostate.