What Are the Functions of the Prostatic Urethra?
Remove Urine
The urethral sphincter releases urine from the bladder into the prostatic urethra. The urine then continues along the length of the membranous urethra and exits the body at the penile urethra.
Collects Seminal fluid
During ejaculation, the seminal fluid empties into the prostatic urethra through the ejaculatory ducts. This fluid is made of secretions produced by the prostate gland, Cowper's gland and the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles produce approximately 60 percent of the seminal fluid, the prostate gland produces 30 percent and the Cowper's gland and testes produce the remaining 10 percent.
Warning Sign
Surrounding the prostatic urethra is the prostate gland. Enlargement of the prostate will squeeze this portion of the urethra and create difficulty passing urine. For this reason, doctors make men aware that trouble urinating can be a warning sign of prostate problems.