How to Build Muscle Fast & Easily
Things You'll Need
- Weight lifting set
- Weight bench table
Plan a time at least three times a week when you will lift weights. Turn the ringer off of your phone and put aside all other chores during this time. Each morning when you awake, look in the mirror and say "I will build my muscles quickly by lifting weights consistently."
Lift weights using compound movements. This means exercises that use more than one muscle at the same time. For example, when you bench press, you are utilizing your chest muscles as well as your shoulders and triceps.
Bench press by laying down on the bench, lift the weights off the rack and lower it to your chest. Press it back up until your arms are locked. If possible, have another person spot you by keeping her hands under the weight bar in case it becomes too heavy and unstable. Try to perform two sets of eight lifts. If you cannot do this, lower the amount of weight until you can. If you can do it too easily, increase the weights until it is a challenge.
Do squats by lifting the bar onto your shoulders and bending your knees until your hips come lower than parallel. Come back up. Try to do two sets of eight lifts.
Perform dead lifts. Pull the barbell from the the floor with both hands until your body is fully extended. Dead-lift by pushing from the heels and bringing your hips forward. Do no pull with your lower back.
Perform military presses by grasping the barbell from the rack with an overhand grip--a little wider than your shoulders width. Position the bar in front of your neck. Press the barbell upward until both of your arms are extended overhead. Lower to the front of your neck and repeat. Try to do two sets of eight lifts.
Follow the advice of Gabe Merkin M.D.: "Eating food, particularly protein, immediately after you finish your workout helps muscles heal faster." When muscles heal faster, they can be exercised sooner and it will help you build muscle faster and easier.