How do I Get a Set of Six Pack Abs?
Allow your abs to be seen. Although a six pack requires muscle building, in some cases abs just need to be revealed. This can be done by removing the layer of body fat that is hiding your abs. Incorporate a low fat diet and intense cardiovascular workout to your lifestyle. Once you have revealed your abs, you can then begin working on your six pack.
Build your abs. Abs are muscles best trained with repetitions rather than weight. There are three core training exercises that when performed in a cycle at high reps, long intervals, and minimal rest time, will build your soon to be six pack. These exercises are crunches, bicycles, and planks.
Begin you workout cycle with crunches. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. With your hands on either side of your head (not pulling on the back) move your torso toward your knees by pulling your shoulders off the ground. Perform this motion slowly and smoothly, allowing resistance to be on your abs for the entire motion of the workout.
Transition directly from crunches to bicycles. Remain on your back but extend your legs straight out and lift them a foot off the floor (position one). Lift your right leg toward your chest by bending it at the knee. Simultaneously lift your torso off the floor by pulling your right elbow to meet your right leg at the center of your body. Return to position one and perform the same motion with the opposite extremities.
Transition directly into planks. Lie on your stomach and prop you upper body up on your forearms. Prop you lower body up on the tips of your toes. Keep your body as level as possible by bearing most of the pressure on you abs. Hold this position for as long as possible.
Find a rep count (at least 20) that allows you to perform each exercise without failing. Rest after each cycle and continue the cycle for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week. As your abs get stronger, increase the length of your workout as well as its frequency throughout the week. Commitment to this regimen---along with a healthy diet---will lead you to your set of six pack abs.