What Is the Definition of Sperm Cell?

Sperm cells are an important part of the male’s reproductive development. They allow the male’s DNA and genes to travel to the female egg during the initial fertilization.
  1. Parts

    • The standard sperm cell is comprised of three main parts: the head, midsection and tail. The head, also called the acrosome, houses the nucleus, which is where the DNA and other hereditary information exist. Mitochondria makes up the midsection, which stores a chemical called ATP that allows the cell to live for several days outside the male’s body. The tail end of the sperm cell is what moves it on its course to the female egg.


    • Sperm cells are the reproductive cells in the male anatomy of humans, animals and plants. Healthy sperm function allows the cell’s tail to move forward in a frantic swimming motion. Unhealthy sperm function happens when the cell moves in circles or not at all.

    Fun Facts

    • Each human sperm cell carries 18,000 genes that enter the egg in fertilization. This act only needs one sperm cell, and there are often more than one million sperm cells trying to enter one of the female eggs. To improve the quality of your sperm cells, watch your weight, limit the amount of stress you're under and take a multivitamin every day.

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