Health Checklist for Men
Heart Health
Eat an abundance of fruits and vegetables for a healthy heart. According to the Men's Health Network, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. But they add that close to twice the number of men die from heart disease than do women. Minimize your risk of strokes and heart attacks with healthy practices that reduce blood pressure, such as keeping weight in an acceptable range, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and getting plenty of exercise.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death for both men and women. Caring4Cancer states that "half of all men and one-third of all women" in the US will develop cancer. According to the Men's Health Network, 50 percent more men die from cancer than women, especially from lung and colon cancer. Noted food authority Michael Pollan says that more than one third of all cancers are linked to the typical Western diet that is high in fat and sugar. To reduce your risk of cancer, stop smoking, know the danger signs of skin cancer, schedule a colorectal health check every three to four years after age 50 and have a chest x-ray after age 45 if you have smoked.
Prostate Health
Cooked tomatoes increase prostate health. Over 230,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, and 35 percent of all men over 50 deal with prostate issues according to the Prostate Health Guide. They recommend a number of ways men can reduce the risk of prostate disease: scheduling yearly prostate exams after age 40; maintaining a diet rich in soy protein, fruits and cooked tomatoes; keeping weight within acceptable limits; exercising; drinking plenty of water; and having regular sex, which empties the prostate.