Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System
Bulborethral Glands
These glands, located below the prostate gland and composed of several tubes, are approximately the size of peas. The tubes secrete fluid in response to sexual stimulation and provide lubrication for the penis during intercourse.
Vas Deferens
The National Cancer Institute defines the vas deferens as a tube that carries sperm out of the testes. The structure is a muscular tube that runs along the side of the testicles to become part of the spermatic cord.
The penis is the external reproductive organ of the male. Urine and semen both pass through this organ. The penis is innervated with nerve endings and blood vessels that allow it to become erect during sexual excitement.
Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is a chestnut-shaped organ that surrounds the first part of the urethra. The prostate gland is located under the bladder and in front of the rectum. It produces seminal fluid and secretions that help keep the urethra moist.
The testes are contained within a sac that hangs below the penis, called the scrotum. Each testicle contains sperm. Sperm is responsible for the fertilization of the female egg during reproduction.